White House: Trump was just being nice when he complimented Australia's health..

Source: Washington Examiner | May 5, 2017 | Kyle Feldscher

White House: Trump was just being nice when he complimented Australia’s healthcare system

President Trump was just being nice when he told Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull that Australia has “better healthcare than we do,” and did not mean to say that the U.S. system is inferior, the White House said Friday.

“The president was complimenting a foreign leader on the operations of their healthcare system, and it didn’t mean anything more than that,” Sanders said.

Trump was speaking with Turnbull Thursday night at the White House when he was asked about the passage of the American Health Care Act through the House. He said Obamacare is failing and then looked at Turnbull to compliment his country’s universal healthcare system.

“I shouldn’t say this to our great gentleman and my friend from Australia,” Trump said, “because you have better healthcare than we do.”


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #15545

    EVERYDAY #15549

    He’s an idiot.

    Consistent #15560

    EVERYDAY #15562

    One never knows whether Trump is serious about anything. But I am reasonably sure that Democrats and Republicans alike just can’t wait for socialized medicine. Obamacare was the first step in the process of moving away from the free enterprisebsystem, and any fixes the bozos in congress come up with will just move us closer to the goal of government-run health care.

    ConservativeGranny #15563

    It’s just another case of Trump opening his mouth and saying something stupid and his lackeys having to make fools of themselves giving inane excuses and translations.

    He didn’t say “you have good healthcare” he said “you have better healthcare than we do”. Big difference between a throwaway insincere compliment and dissing your own country. Do they think we are too dumb to know the difference?

    Trump is a loose cannon that has diarrhea of the mouth and spews out whatever pops into his mind at the time with no filter nor forethought. And I’m sick to death of the idiots in the cleanup crew sent out the next day to lie to us like we are stupid. It’s insulting.

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