Why Cruz Conservatives mourn him instead of supporting Trump

Source: RedState | August 20, 2016 | Jillian5512

One of the biggest problems with society today is that many people literally cannot tell the difference between Pride and retaining one’s Integrity. They also can’t tell the difference between fact and opinion, either, but that’s beside the point. Cruz’s refusal to endorse was not about Pride. If you wonder why some keep posting about Ted Cruz, it’s not so much lamenting “what could have been,” but because we saw an injustice done, both to this man and to a large block of people who supported him. It’s one thing to lose a primary, but when the guy who won it is a “sore winner” intending to destroy any last vestiges of what Cruz tried to bring to the table, it grates on my very soul.


Is Conservatism now relegated to the Dustbin of History? Do we find ourselves idolizing the man instead of his message?

For me, supporting Ted Cruz was about saving Conservatism, not idolizing the man. While I’m not blind and I see that some do idolize him, in my view they’ll get over it in time, once they decide to separate from that and refocus on his message. For most, it’s not “mourning,” it’s a way of keeping the Conservative movement alive.

I’m not going to vote for DJT for one big reason — if he wins, he will spend the next 4 years trying to crush Ted Cruz and Conservatism in general, using his “Alt-Right” foot soldiers. As others have pointed out, if Hillary wins, Conservatism can at least survive while working in opposition to her. Under DJT, it will be eliminated from the public discourse completely. The Alt-Right is Socially Liberal. It is not “true” Conservatism. If you wanted to know the reason why some Cruz fans are keeping the home fires burning on social media, that’s why.

After considering this, I wondered, why does DJT and his Alt-Right troll army keep bashing Cruz long after he’s made his exit? Why has it suddenly become necessary for DJT fans in Texas to work with the RiNOs like Rick Perry to challenge Cruz in the 2018 race for his Senate seat? The propaganda mills are working at full speed, day and night, churning out story after story that Cruz will not only lose his Senate seat but will not run in 2020, either. Why not focus more on Hillary and her many transgressions against this nation? Yes, it’s mentioned, but the arguments are being done (deliberately) low-key.

Either of these candidates winning the election is a Win/Win scenario for the Left. If DJT wins the election, the Left will spend the next 4 years working in opposition to DJT, gaining the vaunted “moral high ground,” while we religious conservatives get shoved into the dungeon by both parties. This is not just about crushing Cruz and his message, it’s about killing Conservatism. Conservatives, the GOP is no longer your friend.

As several well-known pundits have mentioned, if DJT gets pounded into the dust by Hillary in November, he will more than likely claim victim status and use that as an impetus to start his own media network, setting himself up as the new “champion” of his brand of neo-conservatism. So this is a Win/Win for him, too.


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  • Consistent #9457

    Because God and the U.S. Constitution are first and second, respectively, for us.

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