Why Marco Rubio is not the top threat to Donald Trump

Source: Tampa Bay Times | February 24, 2016 | Adam C. Smith

Conventional wisdom appears to be setting in that A) Marco Rubio is the candidate best positioned to block Donald Trump from winning the Republican presidential nomination and B) That it’s probably too late to stop Trump any way.

The John Kasich and Ted Cruz campaigns, however, argue otherwise.

Here is the Cruz campaign argument against Rubio, laid out in a memo released earlier this week by the Texas senator’s chief strategist Jason Johnson:

Trump can’t be beaten from the political Left, with a candidate who emphatically supports amnesty and who allows Trump to be considered the “conservative” in that context.

Rubio has yet to win a primary state.  On This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Senator Rubio was asked simply, “what state can you win?”  Rubio replied, Florida on March 15. 

Rubio’s stated strategy is to lose the first four primary states, lose every state on Super Tuesday, then lose every state on March 5, then lose every state on March 8, and then finally win in Florida (where he’s currently polling third, behind Donald Trump and Ted Cruz).


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