Now Is The Time To Fight For Truth, Not ‘Unity’

Source: The Blaze | May 10, 2016 | Matt Walsh


It’s no surprise that some Trump fans think you can unify a party by calling everyone “faggots” and telling them to kill themselves. After all, they support a man who strove valiantly for unity by being nothing less than the most divisive Republican presidential candidate in American history. Trump lobbed smears, invective, lies, mockery and scorn at anyone who failed to properly worship him, even encouraging his supporters to physically assault their political opponents, but now, because he needs to expand his discipleship to seize the power he desperately covets, he wants to fashion himself a unifier.

This is why I’m wary of some in the “Never Trump” crowd who say they could perhaps support Trump if he “cleans up his act” and becomes “presidential” and whatever. These people know full well that any “cleaning up of the act” will be purely self-serving, temporary and manipulative. We’ve seen what sort of man he truly is, and a few months of being slightly less reprehensible (assuming he can manage such a feat, which I highly doubt) changes nothing. The folks offering this caveat are really just laying the groundwork for their eventual and inevitable surrender. They’ve created their escape hatch and are now waiting for Trump to put together one 24 hour stretch of decency so they’ll have their excuse to jump on the train. I think they may be waiting a while.

At any rate, even if I could remotely believe that these newly minted proponents of “unity” are sincere, it wouldn’t matter. Unity is an empty, vapid slogan. It means nothing without qualifiers. It’s like when Trump fans (or Obama fans in 2008) insist that their guy “will bring change,” seemingly unconcerned with the nature of the change.

“Things are bad! Make them different!” Trumplings shout, apparently unaware that “different” can also include “worse” and even “way worse.” If you have no idea about what sort of changes you want, you probably shouldn’t be advocating change at all. Asking for change non-specifically is like going to the barber, pointing at your head, and shouting, “cut this!” Maybe your hairstyle does need a revamp, but are you quite confident the one you have now is literally the worst hairstyle possible, and any hairstyle at all would be preferable? And, if that is how you feel, why be picky about the barber? If all you want is a cut, any cut, just a different cut, then pay the drunk hobo down the street 5 bucks and let him take a crack at it.


See, I’m no more “against unity” in principle than the Trumpites or the Clintonites. It’s just that they want unity on their terms, around their vision for America, and I want it on the terms of the Constitution, Christian values and Natural Law. This vision – what we once would have called the conservative vision – is vastly superior to the vision offered by the Trumpites and the Clintonites, and I won’t give it up on their account. They can give up theirs if unity really interests them so much. But I suspect they are no more willing to unify for unity’s sake than I am.

I’ve been told that there is no choice but to unify around Trump. It’s either him or Clinton. Well, I’ve already explained why I find neither superior to the other, but this claim is demonstrably false anyway. We voters are not actually required by law to stay loyal to the two parties at any cost. We could take charge of ourselves, of our country, of our political process, and unite around a third party, or start a new party altogether. We are able to do that, and the only reason “it won’t happen,” is because the voters will elect, of their own free will, to remain obedient to the powers that be.

That is surrender and compromise. We who will now strike out on our own and oppose both parties are the ones truly fighting. And we are also offering an opportunity for true unity. If that invitation is declined, we are no more rejecting unity with the Trumpites than the Trumpites are rejecting unity with us.

And it appears that’s the situation. We’re at an impasse. All sides have declined to find unity with the others. Let us be at odds then. It’s what we’ve all chosen.

So be it.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #5976

    Victoria #5979

    “It’s just that they want unity on their terms, around their vision for America, and I want it on the terms of the Constitution, Christian values and Natural Law. This vision – what we once would have called the conservative vision – is vastly superior to the vision offered by the Trumpites and the Clintonites, and I won’t give it up on their account.”

    The constitution, Christian values and Natural Law, are dead in this election. Our household operates on Christian values which includes the constitution. We own this household, it is our country, and we are presidents for life of our country, and it will never change according to the whims of men. That is what we now have in this presidential race, a man with no values at all except the promotion of self and one woman who does the same. People across the country are deciding which candidate to vote for, but I don’t have that problem as neither one is acceptable to our country (our household).

    We will stick to our country’s values and let the USA go their way. God can deal with them however He sees fit.

    CA Surveyor #5980

    The only unity we need is a unified wall of rejection of Trump and his thuggish liberal Democrap politics.

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