American student Otto Warmbier in 'unresponsive wakefulness' after NK release

Source: Washington Examiner | June 15, 2017 | Jack O'Brien

American student Otto Warmbier in ‘unresponsive wakefulness’ after North Korea release

Doctors described Otto Warmbier, the American student recently released from North Korea, as being in a state of “unresponsive wakefulness” Thursday.

Medical officials at the University of Cincinnati held a press conference at the request of the Warmbier family to provide an update on their son’s condition. Doctors refused to discuss Warmbier’s prognosis and future treatment, citing client confidentiality.

Warmbier arrived in Ohio in a coma at 10 p.m. Tuesday, where he w as transported him to a neuroscience care unit. Doctors ran diagnostic tests and said Warmbier’s vital signs are stable and he showed no signs of internal infection or dysfunction.

However, doctors said Warmbier displayed “profound weakness of muscles in his legs,” spontaneous eye opening and inconsistent responses to verbal commands. Magnetic imaging of brain showed extensive loss of brain tissue in “all areas of the brain.”

Doctors said this type of deficiency is usually the result of cardiopulmonary arrest, which is when the heart stops beating for a period of time and can’t deliver blood to the brain.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #16665

    EVERYDAY #16672

    This is tragic. The guy probably was beaten mercilessly, perhaps almost worked to death, whatever, but he just didn’t sustain these injuries through botulism or whatever NK’s excuse is. The parents blame Obama’s weakness. I suspect since this young man is white, Obama didn’t care enough to secure his release.

    If a person sustains a cardiac arrest, he must be revived ASAP. The longer, the heart is stopped, the more extensive the damage to the brain is. I suspect that his prognosis is not very good.

    Prayers for this young man and his family. And I hope our lunatic president will be lucid enough to get the other Americans still being held out of NK, then bomb the living daylights out of that sorry excuse of a country.

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