Coronavirus cases spike in Arizona, hospitals advised to increase capacity

Source: The Hill | June 9, 2020 | Alexandra Kelley

Some experts attribute the growth in cases to pre-pandemic behavior.

Arizona hospitals have been ordered to activate their emergency plan for the second time during the coronavirus pandemic, following increases in cases over the past several weeks.  

The Arizona Republic writes that the state health director, Cara Christ, issued a letter dated June 6 to hospitals advising them to prepare for an influx in cases and suspend elective surgeries if they are experiencing or near-experiencing capacity. 

The same day the letter was sent, Arizona’s largest health care system, Banner Health, reported that its ICU occupancy was rapidly increasing, and it reached capacity regarding its nine ECMO machines.


Current hospital beds available statewide are at 77 percent capacity as of June 7 data


Speaking on FOX 10, the former director of Arizona’s Department of Health Will Humble said that “the reason for the increased number of cases is not because of the increase of testing, it’s because there is more community spread.”

Humble attributes the increased community spread to pre-pandemic behavior that came around May 15 when Gov. Ducey’s orders were lifted. 

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