Dozens of Headstones Broken at Jewish Cemetery in Philadelphia

Source: Haaretz | February 26, 2017 | Barak Ravid and Haaretz

‘Desecration shocking, source of worry,’ Israel says in first such statement since Trump elected. Incident comes less than a week after vandalism occurred at a Jewish cemetery in St. Louis.

A Jewish cemetery in Philadelphia apparently became the victim of vandalism Sunday, when police were alerted that dozens, perhaps hundreds of headstones, had been broken and toppled over. Israel described the incident as “shocking” and said it was “a source of worry.”


It was New Jersey resident Aaron Mallin who reportedly discovered the overturned headstones at the Philadelphia cemetary, the report said.

“It’s just very disheartening that such a thing would take place,” Mallin said. “I’m hoping it was maybe just some drunk kids. But the fact that there’s so many – it leads one to think it could have been targeted.”


If indeed vandalized, the incidents at both cemeteries could be part of a larger wave targeting Jewish communities across the United States.

On Monday last week, just one day before the incident cemetery in St. Louis was vandalized, a round of bomb threats targeted Jewish community centers in several states across the country for the fourth time in the last few months.

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