Kellyanne Conway Is Either A Liar or Being Played For A Fool

Source: RedState | February 14, 2017 | Jay Caruso


Yesterday, Kellyanne Conway was on MSNBC with Steve Kornacki when he asked her about Michael Flynn and whether or not, he  had the full confidence of the President and here is what she said:

Yet just one hour later, Sean Spicer said President Trump was “evaluating the situation.” Several people said to me, “He’s toast.”

Yet, this morning:

Speaking on “Today” Tuesday morning, Conway said her Monday afternoon statement was true at the time, but by the end of the night Flynn decided to resign.’

True at the time? How is that possible? Either Conway went out on TV spouting things for which she had no knowledge or she know what she was saying was garbage. If it’s the former, why would she want to bother sticking around? Who wants to go on television and then be completely contradicted within the hour?


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