Lady Gaga’s epic halftime show was just what the country needed

Source: The Blaze | February 6, 2017 | Leon H. Wolf


If any performer was ripe for an epic public meltdown over Donald Trump, it was Lady Gaga during the Super Bowl. We are talking, after all, about a woman who once wore a dress composed entirely of raw meat in order to protest the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. I thought the chances that she would take the opportunity to use the largest worldwide television event of the year to slam Trump at least once were about as good as the Atlanta Falcons’ chances of winning the game midway through the third quarter. I just hoped we would all be spared the worst of the endless hot takes, think pieces and pretentious sermons from both sides of the aisle about a musical performance.

I think probably most of the country felt that way, which is why I imagine that most of it held their breath as the star of the performance began her performance perched high above the audience with a patriotic medley that shockingly included the portion of the pledge of allegiance containing the phrase “under God.”

“Here it comes,” virtually all of America must have been thinking, as the music faded and red, white and blue fireworks exploded in the background. “Something about the executive order, or immigration, or something.” But instead, Lady Gaga smiled, jumped from the precipice to the stage below, and nailed a hellaciously entertaining show. I say this even though I could identify exactly one of the songs in her medley, and none of them were my musical cup of tea at all. I will say this, though: entertainment is entertainment, and Lady Gaga worked her ass off to entertain the crowd. And not just the half of the crowd who agreed with her political views, but ALL of the crowd. Even the few bars of “Born This Way” she sang did not include the overtly pro-LGBT anthemic phrases. When she was done, she jumped off the stage, caught a football, and disappeared from view.

Fantastic. Pitch perfect.

After an unbearably tense political period that seems to have begun over a year ago and that has featured flat-out panic and outrage at virtually every turn, much of the country these days cringes every time a celebrity makes a public appearance in anticipation of whatever dumb thing they might do next. Lady Gaga did none of these things; she was just fun and entertaining and musically talented as she knew how to be, and for that a lot of people are thankful today.


But context counts for a lot, and doing the right thing in a big moment can generate a lot of goodwill with people who might otherwise not be interested in hearing your message, and Lady Gaga demonstrated that with impeccable flair last night. And that perfect, fun, apolitical moment and celebration of America was exactly what this country needed as we begin the next four years. The fact that it came from such unexpected quarters made it all the more admirable.

So you know what I did this morning? I listened to a little Lady Gaga while I worked. First time I’ve ever done that on purpose. And while it still isn’t really something I’m going to put in the regular rotation, I made the effort to give something different a shot. Maybe if more celebrities understood the value of letting people enjoy their art with more joy and less fuss, they might just find their appeal reaching a whole new audience. I’m sure Lady Gaga is probably being ripped by social justice warriors in all the usual places today for failing to make the Super Bowl halftime show an uncomfortable experience for us all, I for one am thankful. And I think most of the country is probably with me.

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  • Consistent #13394

    ConservativeGranny #13398

    My husband said the sound was off or poor quality. I didn’t watch but I could hear it and it made me want to get up and dance. I like her music but not her politics. And thankfully she did everyone a favor and kept that to herself for this halftime show. Good for her and good for the NFL! Sometimes we just want to watch the dancing bears and be left alone.

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