More than 40 countries support UKR’s efforts to hold RU accountable..

Source: The Hill | July 13, 2022 | Jared Gans

More than 40 countries support Ukraine’s efforts to hold Russia accountable for violating international law

The European Union, United States and more than 40 other countries issued a joint statement on Wednesday to back Ukraine in pushing for Russia to be held accountable for violating international law during its invasion of Ukraine. 

The countries said that they are reiterating their support for proceedings to occur against Russia in the International Court of Justice, declaring that Russia had no legal basis to take military action against Ukraine. The statement said Russia is violating its international obligations by refusing to comply with a March order from the court to suspend its military operations in the country. 

“We welcome once again Ukraine’s efforts to ensure that international law is respected and that the Court can fulfill its fundamental function of promoting the peaceful settlement of disputes,” the statement reads. 

The statement said that the Genocide Convention, which was signed in the aftermath of World War II to prevent atrocities similar to those committed in the war from occurring again, “embodies the solemn pledge” to stop genocide and hold those who commit it responsible. 


The statement argues that Russia should be required to provide “full and urgent reparation” to Ukraine for the damages it has suffered during the invasion as a result of Russia violating international law.

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