Some House Republicans Stick By Trump's Choice of Steve Bannon

Source: NBC News | November 14, 2016 | Leigh Ann Caldwell

House Republicans returned to Capitol Hill Monday fresh off of last week’s election victories only to be met with new questions about President-elect Donald Trump’s pick of his controversial campaign CEO to be the chief White House strategist.

On Sunday, Trump’s transition announced that Steve Bannon, a figure with ties to an alt-right movement that includes white nationalist elements, would join the White House team — a move that has drawn condemnation from Democrats as offensive and divisive.

But some Republicans, who will have to work closely with a President Trump, are sticking by the choice, saying that Bannon has to be given a chance.

“The results speak for itself,” said Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina, a battleground state that Trump won. “Was Steve Bannon effective? I don’t’ think anybody here would deny that he was effective.”


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