Students sue Harvard over ‘rampant’ antisemitism on campus

Source: The Hill | January 11, 2024 | Lexi Lonas

Six Harvard students have sued their school over alleged “rampant” antisemitism on campus that is interfering with their ability to learn.

Alexander Kestenbaum, five other anonymous students and Students Against Antisemitism (SAA) filed the lawsuit Wednesday alleging Harvard is allowing antisemitism to be spread on campus without protecting Jewish students and choosing not to enforce its policies against the harassment.

“Subjected to intense anti-Jewish vitriol, including from their own professors and Harvard administrators, Kestenbaum and other Jewish students, including SAA members, have been deprived of the ability and opportunity to fully participate in Harvard’s educational and other programs and have been placed at severe emotional and physical risk,” the complaint reads.

The lawsuit says Harvard has refused to discipline those who have been antisemitic and has had a double standard in enforcing its policies.

The complaint gave examples such as Jewish students getting harassed at the law school’s student lounge and protesters allowed to yell slogans inside buildings such as “glory to the martyrs.”

“Considering that Harvard aggressively enforces policies to address bias against other minorities and regularly disciplines students and faculty members who harass other groups or espouse viewpoints Harvard deems inappropriate, its refusal to discipline students attacking, harassing, or intimidating Jews is glaring,” the complaint said.

The lawsuit seeks an injunction against Harvard to stop them from violating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which deals with discrimination.


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