Trump accuses Dems of 'treasonous' behavior (for not applauding during SOTU)

Source: The Hill | February 5, 2018 | Jordan Fabian

President Trump accused Democrats on Monday of “treasonous” behavior during his State of the Union address.

Trump took aim at Democratic members of Congress who refused to applaud during his speech when he mentioned his achievements over the past year.

“Can we call that treason? Why not?” the president said during a speech in Ohio. “They certainly didn’t seem to love our country very much.”

Trump said Democrats “would rather see Trump do badly than our country do well,” calling their behavior “very selfish.”

The president used the speech as a warm-up act for the 2018 midterm elections, even though it was billed as an official, and not a political, event.



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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #21415

    Consistent #21416

    Consistent #21417

    ConservativeGranny #21433

    I guess there were not enough clapping seals to stroke Trump’s ego.

    EVERYDAY #21435

    Not applauding was stupid and in poor taste, but hardly treasonous. Trump is such a drama queen.

    Woodcutter #21439

    I was recently watching a video about the Berlin wall, in which the narrator was discussing Stalin’s reign. It seems there was once a meeting at which someone made a tribute to Stalin and the audience began a standing ovation and applause. Then, aware they were being watched, nobody dared stop — the applause went on for a minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, ten minutes. Finally, after eleven full minutes, one local farmer stopped and sat down, after which everyone else stopped. Reportedly, that one person was later arrested and executed. And Stalin was not even present.

    I’m not making any comparisons, I’m “just sayin…”

    Consistent #21450

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