Trump: Canada has 'outsmarted our politicians for years'

Source: Washington Examiner | April 25, 2017 | Sarah Westwood

President Trump on Tuesday touted his administration’s decision to tax Canada on imports of softwood lumber, arguing the Canadian government has previously out-maneuvered the U.S. when it comes to trade.

“People don’t realize Canada’s been very rough on the United States. Everyone thinks of Canada being wonderful and civil. I love Canada,” Trump told a group of farmers and agriculture policy experts at the White House on Tuesday. “But they’ve outsmarted our politicians for many years, and you people understand that.”

Trump highlighted the increased tariff his Department of Commerce will soon levy on softwood lumber imports in retaliation for the subsidies the U.S. has accused Canada of paying to its lumber producers.

“We will be putting a very big tariff on lumber, timber coming into this country,” Trump said.

The president also noted a trade dispute between Canada and the U.S. over milk and cheese, in which Canada has effectively prevented U.S dairy producers from exporting products into Canada by hiking milk prices.


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  • Consistent #15313

    EVERYDAY #15321

    Well, the Canadians can surely outsmart Trump.

    Instead of focusing on our neighbor and friend to the north, why isn’t Mr. Art of the Deal not dealing with the imbalance of trade with such enemies as China? Didn’t he tell us during the campaign that China was engaged in unfair trading practices?

    ConservativeGranny #15340

    That was last month. China is our friend now.

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