Trump directs federal agencies to waive Obamacare 'burdens'

Source: Washington Examiner | January 20, 2017 | Paige Winfield Cunningham

President Trump has issued an executive order for federal agencies to lift all Obamacare requirements from states, individuals, healthcare providers and insurers as they’re able, until the healthcare law can be repealed.

An order issued Friday night says the Department of Health and Human Services and other agencies involved in carrying out the law “shall exercise all authority and discretion available to them to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation of any provision or requirement” of the law that fiscally “burdens” virtually anyone.

As they’re able, agencies should try to lift any Obamacare provisions that involve a “fiscal burden on any state or a cost, fee, tax, penalty, or regulatory burden on individuals, families, healthcare providers, health insurers, patients, recipients of healthcare services, purchasers of health insurance, or makers of medical devices, products, or medications,” the order says.

Congress is working to repeal big parts of the Affordable Care Act, but it will take several more weeks at the very least before Republicans will have legislation ready to pass and for Trump to sign.



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