Trump Will Announce U.S. Withdrawal from Paris Accord

Source: Daily Beast | June 1, 2017 | Lachlan Markay

The United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord, President Donald Trump will announce at a Rose Garden speech this afternoon.

On a conference call with Capitol Hill staffers ahead of the speech, White House energy policy adviser Michael Catanzaro confirmed that “the United States is getting out of the Paris agreement.” Trump, Catanzaro said, “will be open to and will immediately be looking for a better deal.”

A source provided The Daily Beast with the call-in information. The process could be a lengthy one. Catanzaro said the administration will follow the steps for withdrawal laid out in the deal itself. “We will initiate the process, which, all told, takes four years in total. But we’re going to make very clear to the world that we’re not going to be abiding by what the previous administration agreed to.”……..

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