Trump’s push to deny Biden victory aggravates lawmakers

Source: The Hill | January 25, 2024 | Al Weaver

Former President Trump’s push to kill the border deal in order to deny President Biden a legislative win is upsetting members on both sides of the aisle as negotiators hope to wrap up work on an agreement within days.

Trump had been the sleeping giant in the background of talks, but his wins in Iowa and New Hampshire, coupled with his recent remarks calling for Republicans to oppose any border package short of H.R. 2, have complicated the path forward for the Senate. 

Lawmakers say they are worried that killing the deal would be a major disservice given the situation at the border and in Ukraine. 

“If politics get in the way of this — if Donald Trump who wants to help his friend [Russian President Vladimir Putin] with Ukraine and wants to keep the border alive as a major issue — if that prevails, that would be a really horrible disposition to all this,” Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) told reporters.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) called the effort “appalling.”

“But the reality is that we have a crisis at the border, the American people are suffering as a result of what’s happening at the border, and someone running for president ought to try to get the problem solved as opposed to saying, ‘Hey, save that problem. Don’t solve it. Let me take credit for solving it later,’” he told CNN’s Manu Raju.

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), however, believes it could backfire on the former president and could cause some “resentment” among Senate Republicans who are interested in backing the eventual deal.


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