Trump’s Speech At CIA Headquarters. One Could Call It Bizarre Or Maybe Something

Source: RedState | January 21, 2017 | streiff

Trump’s Speech At CIA Headquarters. One Could Call It Bizarre Or Maybe Something More (VIDEO)


If you thought the purpose of the visit was to build bridges, ensure common goals, etc. you would be mostly disappointed. There was some of that:

And I want to just let you know: I am so behind you. And I know, maybe sometimes, you haven’t gotten the backing that you’ve wanted. And you’re going to get so much backing. Maybe you’re going to say “please don’t give us so much backing”. [laughter] “Mr President, please, we don’t need that much backing”.

But you’re going to have that. And I think everybody in this room knows it.

If one had say there was a focus in the speech it would be that he pointed out to the CIA in detail why the press is the enemy of both he and the CIA and to make common cause in not trusting the media. The main theme he employed was disputing the crowd estimates for the inaugural versus the “Women’s March” today. Subsidiary attacks were on a TIME reporter who, without bothering to check, had claimed that Trump had removed the Martin Luther King, Jr. bust from the White House to make way for the Churchill bust. He issued a correction but the fact that he made a race based attack on Trump without bothering to even check speaks volumes for his intent.

Trump’s main applause line was probably this:

So I can only say that I am with you 1000%. And the reason you’re my first stop is that as you know, I have a running war with the media. They are among the most dishonest human beings on Earth. [laughter, applause]

And they sort of made it sound like I had a feud with the Intelligence Community. And I just want to let you know, the reason you’re the number 1 stop is exactly the opposite. Exactly. And they understand that too.

This indicates the message was received.

Indeed, I think it is probably wise to look at Trump’s remarks as a bookend to Sean Spicer’s press conference. The theme is that the media can’t be trusted and that the Trump administration is going to return blow for blow. It is going to be an interesting four years.




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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #13008

    Consistent #13013

    Consistent #13024

    ConservativeGranny #13029

    He has created the meme that everything the press reports is a lie. Therefore he gets away with anything. Clever but the media made this possible. It’s like the boy who cried wolf too many times. How can we believe anything they report?

    While some are rejoicing at the demise of the media they should be careful of what they wish for. Another freedom has been taken from the American people. We no longer have a free press serving as a watchdog. No matter whose fault that is Trump has used that to his advantage and it will cover any lie he wishes to tell and any scandal he wishes to cover up. He will create his own propaganda media. We already see that forming.

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