Ukraine surpasses Syria for highest casualties from cluster munitions

Source: The Hill | September 5, 2023 | Sarah Fortinsky

Ukraine surpassed Syria as the country with the highest casualties resulting from cluster munitions in 2022, a new report revealed.

In its annual report for 2022, the Cluster Munition Monitor, a coalition of groups advocating against the use of cluster munitions, found there were 916 cluster-munition casualties recorded last year in Ukraine, 890 of which were from attacks and 26 of which were from remnants.

The group noted, however, it is likely some casualties from other attacks have gone unrecorded.

Syria had previously experienced the highest annual casualty total of any country each year from 2012 to 2021, it added.

The group on Tuesday reported a record total of 1,172 new cluster munition casualties across eight countries in 2022, marking the highest annual number recorded of people killed and people injured by the weapons since the coalition began publishing reports in 2010.

The report concluded that the “alarming finding” can be attributed largely to the use of cluster munitions during the Russian war in Ukraine, noting that the casualties are primarily caused by Russia’s use of cluster munitions, but that Ukraine also used cluster munitions, resulting in civilian deaths and injuries.


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