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  • tlcrisp60 #6097

    It’s way more than a safe place for Trump supporters it’s full blown Trump train…..chooo choo. Noticed that they don’t post articles about Trumps comments this week about ‘printing more money” They can’t defend that.
    I commented once to an article from C. Edmund Wright about voting for Mitt Romney and got booted. How things have changed.

    tlcrisp60 #6071

    Maybe his mezzanine loan from George Soros for Trump Towers Chicago would become common knowledge and many other things!!!!! It’s just business, don’t ya know…………………………………………..

    tlcrisp60 #6058

    Think about what Trump said this week. The US wouldn’t default because we can print more money….paraphrasing. That’s about as far from a conservative principles as it gets. Is that sound economic policy? Is that even sound business policy? I suppose it is for someone that takes on incredible debt in his own businesses and walks away from it when he can’t pay it. You never see these kind of statements posted on the very Pro Trump “fake” conservative sites.

    tlcrisp60 #6057

    I have been very active on Ted Cruzs facebook page and know exactly what you are talking about. It was exhausting trying to promote a constitutional conservative and defend against the misinformation. Trump supporters are full of mania……….it’s the reality show mentality!!!

    tlcrisp60 #6053

    Trump supporters vilify Levin and other TRUE conservatives for holding steadfast to the core principles and beliefs of the conservative movement. Personalities that they used to admire and quote are now suddenly not on the right side of conservatism. I submit it’s NOT Levin, Brad Thor, or any other well known conservative that abandoned the core principles. It is the people that want that feel good feeling of make America great that abandoned the core principles.

    tlcrisp60 #6051

    You could not support Trump if you truly believed in God, family, country, the declaration, the bill or rights or the constitution. So called conservatives abandoned a true constitutional conservative for the Trump fantasy. I will not abandoned my principles to vote for the R. I will remain #nevertrump. The trump supporters own this. The Free Republic Trump supporters own this. They truly believe there is difference Trump and Hillary? It’s amazing stuff to watch.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by tlcrisp60.
    tlcrisp60 #6049

    I would add nearly all of Free Republic. It was a site I used to enjoy. I rarely
    visit the website anymore but went there this morning to find this……..I don’t see how someone can say this with a straight face or with sincerity. I view the Trump supporters as Kardashian voters, similar to Obama worshipers. They love the slogans…Hope and Change, Make America Great.

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