A Humble Man

Source: The Daily Caller - http://dailycaller.com | 02/25/2016 | Kevin Mooneyhan


I first met Ted in 2010 at an American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) conference, which is a conference for state legislators that was being held in Washington, DC. He was there to speak on a panel about the Health Care Compact, a project of interstate compacts that would effectively transfer the regulatory authority for health care from the federal government back to the states. My boss at the time was also speaking on the panel, which led to our meeting.

…This was my first impression of him and he was extremely humble and somewhat soft spoken. It is something that has stuck over the years.

During our chat, he told me he planned on running for the U.S. Senate seat representing the state of Texas. In all honesty, I thought to myself that there’s no way someone this humble and unassuming could ever be a Senator from Texas of all places. But, sure enough he announced his candidacy and fought a huge uphill battle against the political establishment of the state that claimed the most recent former President of the United States. It was a tough fight, but he won when no one thought he could. This proved to me that he was a winner.

….In all of my interactions with Ted Cruz, he has consistently been the same man of conviction, ready to stand up and lead the way to defend the Constitution and to keep the promises he made to his supporters. In private, he has always been the same humble man that I met in 2010.

Most recently I spent some time with Ted Cruz in Iowa for a campaign event where my boss, Jenny Beth Martin, and Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund officially endorsed him for president. I wanted to share this backstage image of him prior to going on stage to give his stump speech. To me, this is the Ted Cruz that the public has rarely seen.

Screen Shot 2016-02-25 at 9.48.48 AM

To the general public, he may come across as the “smartest guy in the room” when he’s giving a speech or when he’s in a debate (he usually is), but backstage that night, he was the same humble person I met six years ago before he was a U.S. Senator. When he arrived at the event, he made it a point to speak to everyone backstage. He then found a place to sit down and quietly reflect before going out to give his speech.

That moment of reflection truly personified his humility and with all of the baseless attacks being thrown at his character in recent weeks, I felt obligated to share this candid moment. The American people still have plenty to learn about the most trustworthy and consistent conservative running for president in the 2016 race. I can only hope that they will look to the people who have fought side by side with him over the years rather than to his current political rivals who will apparently say anything they can to stop him from winning the nomination.

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  • Discussion
  • Whirlwind #1678

    I hope I get this right, I thought it was a good article about Cruz. The picture of Cruz on the website tells you a lot about the man. If I knew how to post the picture I would.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Consistent. Reason: Excerpted the article and added the picture
    Consistent #1681

    slhancock1948 #1694

    You did, Whirlwind. I wanted to post it the other day and when I got home from work I couldn’t recall where I’d seen it! Good for you! This was a very good read, and to be honest, it helps me to realize that he puts his whole trust in God to do whatever he feels God has called him to do. Maybe these early states are tests for him to show his character and godliness. Hopefully, God will bring him forward at the right time to take the lead.

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

    Whirlwind #1700

    slhancock1948, I am happy that one of us was able to post this good article. I think it gives us an insight of Senator Cruz. This Godly man of high character is what this nation needs!! What a wonderful example for our younger generation compared to all the evil that surrounds them. The picture of him sure says a lot about him I think. God sends us people like him when we need them. But the decision right or wrong will be left to us, God will not intervene. I pray that our fellow country men will make the right choice. I believe this will be our last chance to do so or our constitution and this great Republic will be finished.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Whirlwind.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Whirlwind.
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