An Example of Millennials’ Keen Sense of History

Source: RedState | October 17, 2016 | Joe Cunningham

In a first-of-its-kind report on American views toward socialism, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation has released a report on U.S. attitudes toward socialism, and the results are not pretty. There is, as you might expect, a big generation gap, as The Daily Signal points out, but there is perhaps something even more distressing, if not particularly new: Millennials have no grasp of history.

The survey also revealed a general lack of historical knowledge, especially among young adults. According to the report, one-third (32 percent) of millennials believed that more people were killed under George W. Bush than under Joseph Stalin.

When millennial respondents were asked about their familiarity with various historical communist figures, 42 percent were unfamiliar with Mao Zedong, 40 percent with Che Guevara, and 33 percent with Vladimir Lenin—three notorious figures in communist regimes. Among millennials familiar with Lenin, 25 percent viewed him favorably.

This is a widespread failure of the education system, as it shows that what’s being taught in history classrooms isn’t honest. At the very least, it would appear that the less savory aspects of communist regimes really aren’t discussed. Communism’s historical record in general is skimmed over.


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