Ben Carson plans to endorse Trump

Source: Washington Post | March 10, 2016 | Robert Costa

MIAMI — Conservative favorite Ben Carson, who last week suspended his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, plans to endorse Donald Trump on Friday morning, according to two people familiar with his thinking.

The endorsement, perhaps the most high-profile nod for Trump since New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie backed him, was finalized Thursday morning when Carson met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago, the luxury club owned by the Republican front-runner, the people said. The sources requested anonymity to discuss private conversations.

Friday’s announcement will also take place at the club in Palm Beach, Fla., where the onetime rivals will appear alongside one another at a news conference.


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  • Discussion
  • Consistent #2433

    Consistent #2434

    Consistent #2435

    Consistent #2437

    silver pines #2438

    Proof that a man can be good at what he does for a living but a moron in other aspects.

    Steve Deace nailed it; this primary season has been extremely revealing.

    Consistent #2443

    Consistent #2444

    silver pines #2445


    I bet Ben won’t have to worry about selling books after Trump hands over the check.

    slhancock1948 #2447

    Ben Carson did not act like a Christian in regards to Cruz. Cruz, the ONLY one of the campaigns to apologize for using the information HIS OWN TEAM put out stupidly, was blamed…because he apologized!

    Ted apologized publicly several times, but Carson refused….oh he said he forgave, but one who cannot leave it at that has not forgiven. When Ted asked to meet, he refused for a couple weeks then it went poorly. Ben Carson has that on himself. He wanted to look like the injured party to get seem support, but it didn’t work. Cruz was the injured party…by the Trump, Rubio and Carson people.

    Ben Carson is not the Christian he pretends to be. Look, I lived in a 7th Day Adventist community and they are very nice people. Most I knew I’d consider true believers, but some were clearly not trusting Jesus, but good works. I think Ben cannot let this go because Cruz has not done penance in his mind. He wanted Cruz to fire his team, but it was Carson’s own best bud, Armstrong Williams who made the unforced error.

    Well, all I can say is I am glad Cruz finally stopped apologizing. There comes a time when forgiveness lets the issue go. Ben has not gotten there, and doesn’t want to.

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

    EVERYDAY #2448

    I used to like and admire Dr. Carson, even though he was not my choice for the oresidency. But after that flap in Iowa, even after Ted Cruz apologized TWICE — Dr. Carson couldn’t resist playing the race card. A real man and a real Christian would have accepted the apologies and dropped the matter. But Dr. Carson could not forgive and forget. Sad thing is, the whole mess was not the fault of Ted Cruz and there still exists a whole boatload of people who owe Dr. Carson an apology, but will never own up. Why didn’t Dr. Carson go after them?

    So Dr. Carson is dead to me. I had hoped he would secure a post in the Cruz administration appropriate to his skills and experience — Surgeon General or Secretary of HIS perhaps? But now I don’t care. Wonder what compensation he is getting from little Donnie?

    slhancock1948 #2451

    “Little Donny” just uses people. That’s all.

    Pray for righteousness to be restored and for the peace of Jerusalem

    Consistent #2473

    silver pines #2488
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