Here lies Fox News, formerly known as the definitive standard-bearer for conservative media.
Born: 1996. Died: 2016. Cause of death: Shilling for Donald Trump.
Of course, it’s still the king of cable news, owning the top 14 slots in the ratings. But that isn’t a high bar. While its 2.7 million primetime viewers seems like a lot, that’s less than 2 percent of the total people that voted in the below-average-turnout 2012 presidential election.
If I wanted to, I could just spend the entire day retweeting and responding to complaints about Fox’s bias from conservatives. And this goes back several cycles. Since 2008, I have been inundated with conservatives who think Fox is trying to pick the GOP nominee. In 2012, GOP presidential candidates and former Fox News employees Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum both openly accused the network of being an arm of the Mitt Romney campaign (the documentary “Mitt” even depicted Karl Rove coordinating with the campaign while he was on the air with Fox on election night).
This go-around these howls have escalated to a crescendo. Many of the people in my industry won’t say anything about it, though, because it’s considered the crème de la crème in conservative media to be ingratiated into the Fox family. The title “Fox News Contributor” carries with it great prestige among the brethren. Thus, I could be planting my own ambitions in the grave right alongside Fox’s integrity. But that’s never stopped me before, and if this primary has proven one thing it’s that too many folks in our movement are out for prestige and prosperity more so than principle.
Sometimes you say and do crazy things like rush to judgment when you get too close to a cult. That may include watching a 70-year-old man tweet hateful spam about his political rival’s charming and accomplished wife from his billionaire basement in the middle of the night, and then calling it “fair and balanced” to defend it as a rational response to imaginary facts.
Megyn Kelly and few others aside, I hypothesized for a while that Fox’s obsession with all things Trump was purely demographics. The older and whiter you are, the more likely you are to support Trump. Similarly, the average Fox News viewer is 68 years, old and white. However, behold Trump’s latest unfavorables among my fellow Caucasians:
- – White women: 68 percent (a group Romney won by 14 points in the 2012 election)
- – White men: 51 percent (a group Romney won 62 percent in the 2012 election)
So maybe that’s not it after all. Maybe what many in the Fox family see in Trump is their own reflection. Both seem to be people willing to profit of conservatives, while doing little to nothing to advance the cause of conservatism.
As today’s Republican Party has sadly taught us, opposing Democrats doesn’t make you a conservative any more than mastering grand theft auto qualifies you for the Indianapolis 500.
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