Uh Oh, Was Marco Rubio Guilty in the Ben Carson Dropout Rumor?

Source: Politistick | February 2, 2016 | Jennifer Burke
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  • Consistent #372


    What has not been said much throughout the day is that Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s campaign worked actively to spread the message that Carson was leaving the presidential race. These actions were reported on Twitter by Conrad Close who, according to his Twitter profile, is the managing editor of Outset Magazine.

    Conrad Close's Tweet

    Another interesting little tidbit about Close, that he shouts from the rooftops with his Twitter profile picture, is that he is Team Rubio with the statement below his picture, “I’m voting for Marco Rubio.”

    Conrad Close

    So, why is this a story?

    At approximately 7:15 pm Mountain, I was in the middle of making dinner and saw Marco Rubio on FOX News’ The Kelly File with Megyn Kelly. During the interview, Rubio took a swipe at this ‘Cruz/Carson controversy’ without naming Cruz’s name. At around the 45-second mark, Marco Rubio got on his high horse, after claiming he does not attack other candidates.

    “I think it’s time for voters to start coalescing. The candidates, they worked hard. They deserve to see this through, at least through New Hampshire. You’ll never hear me either calling for someone to drop out, or you’ll never hear about me making up rumors that someone is dropping out in order to try to get votes.”

    There’s only one problem. Earlier in the day, I saw the tweet from Rubio supporter Conrad Close which explicitly stated that the Rubio campaign was pushing the narrative that Carson was dropping out in an attempt to pick up Carson votes. (see above)

    Note that Rubio finished the night in third place with a higher percentage than expected, 23.1%.

    So, I went to Close’s Twitter feed, did a search for Marco Rubio, found the tweet, took a screen shot and sent it to a friend. That was at 7:29 pm Mountain time, just after Rubio slammed Cruz with the claim that you would never find him spreading lies about other candidates to get votes.

    At 7:30 pm Mountain time, my friend clicked on the link to the tweet — and the tweet was gone. In its place, viewers saw this instead.

    doesn't exist


    This being a coincidence would be rather far-fetched. Right after Rubio made the claim that his campaign would never ‘spread lies’ about a candidate leaving the race, an avid Marco Rubio supporter, who is in media, removed a tweet that shows Rubio’s statement to be a blatant lie. This is a tweet that had been on Twitter for more than 24 hours.

    An article had been written on Patheos earlier on Tuesday which highlighted the tweet.

    Did the Rubio campaign contact Close and ask him to take the tweet down? Did Close make the decision himself to remove the tweet in order to protect his candidate of choice?

    While only Close knows the answer to that question, I don’t know about you, but I smell a cover-up to protect FOX News’ and new GOP establishment golden boy, Marco Rubio.

    Scarlett_Says #376

    I guess we can be thankful for the free media time. This nonsense is distracting, though.

    Carson really SHOULD drop out, but now he’ll stay in until Nevada just to be petulant.

    FReeper formerly known as Brothers4thID

    ConstitutionalConservative #380

    Cruz already apologized to Carson for his staffers involvement in this dust up although technically they did nothing wrong but jump to an obvious conclusion that Carson was dropping out, the media does this type of thing all the time and never apologizes, takes responsibility or offer correction. Cruz took responsibility and stated he would not scapegoat his people, he does not pass the buck he leads by acknowledging HE is responsible for his people, everything they do and everything they fail to do that is leadership.

    I thought this whole thing to be very suspicious from the get go and now here we are, does anybody think Rubio will take responsibility and perform like a leader or will he duck and cover, blame others like the Rino he is.

    Dom Ruinart #381

    So Rubio’s responsible for what one of his twitter followers posts?

    This is just silly.

    Dom Ruinart #382

    You, like another poster, somehow believes Rubio has to police everything his twitter followers post.

    And that he has to apologize for THEM.

    ConstitutionalConservative #397

    I only responded to what was said in the article you posted as follows:

    What has not been said much throughout the day is that Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s campaign worked actively to spread the message that Carson was leaving the presidential race. These actions were reported on Twitter by Conrad Close who, according to his Twitter profile, is the managing editor of Outset Magazine.

    You commented… “You, like another poster, somehow believes Rubio has to police everything his twitter followers post”. I did not say that, those are your words not mine.

    The article says: Rubio’s campaign worked actively to spread the message that Carson was leaving the presidential race.

    I was referring to his campaign not his twitter follower who may or may not have initialized the message, and yes I think Rubio is responsible for his “campaign that worked actively to spread the message” as stated in the article. Twitter is one method of spreading the message and responding to a report by CNN is another method of spreading the message either way I’m sure twitter was used to spread the message amongst all campaigns.

    Like with the Cruz campaign the Rubio campaign didn’t start the message they spread the message, The Cruz campaign interpreted the message as Carson dropping out and apparently if the article you posted is valid then the Rubio campaign interpreted the same and likewise spread the message.

    The article said “I smell a cover up”, I said Cruz did what a leader should do he immediately identified the problem and got out in front of the problem and acknowledged it even though he personally had nothing to do with it, so the idea of a cover-up by the Cruz campaign was extinguished it cannot be argued he participated in a cover-up. I questioned will Rubio likewise get out in front of the problem or duck and cover like the Rino he is.

    I can understand if someone is offended by calling Rubio a Rino, where I live illegals are running wild they are everywhere and have been for a long time, Rubio promised he would not seek amnesty and was ferociously against amnesty for the illegal alien invaders, it was the hallmark of his campaign, he lied, the first thing he did was seek out amnesty. I voted for Rubio and as far as I and many Floridians are concerned he is a fake and a fraud, I further say he has a strong propensity for treason and cannot be trusted in the least of matters.

    All that to say this… I reread my comment several times, I did not say, infer or insinuate Rubio is responsible for a twitter followers, I did however infer he is responsible for his campaign and it like the Cruz campaign spread the message Carson was dropping out, I don’t see how that can be construed as me saying Rubio or any candidate is responsible for tweets on twitter.

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