Watch: Slickster Paul Ryan Wants to Choose GOP Nominee

Source: Conservative Review | April 11, 2016 | Michelle Malkin



In high school, Paul Ryan was voted Prom King and Biggest Brown Noser in his class.

Now it looks like he wants to sashay and brown nose his way into the GOP presidential nomination without having to lift a finger to earn it.

GOP party bosses like loser John Boehner and Utah Big Government Republican Sen. Orrin Hack, I mean, Hatch, are talking up Ryan as the only one who can unite the party at a brokered convention.

Guess who else is talking up Paul Ryan? You guessed it…Prom King Brown Noser Paul Ryan! His taxpayer-funded congressional office released a slick ad last week excerpting the White Knight Savior Healer Uniter Future Peace Prize Winner speech he delivered in D.C. in March.

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So, let’s talk about slickster Paul Ryan’s Great Big Healing Conservative Ideas.

1. Prom King Brown Noser Paul Ryan has voted for every federal government bailout under Bush and Obama – AIG, auto, TARP, and most recently the $8 billion highway bailout bill.  

2. Prom King Brown Noser Paul Ryan voted for reauthorization of the intrusive No Child Left Behind federal education bill and its massive replacement, the Every Student Succeeds Act, which doubles down on Common Core-style student data mining and testing…and expands the feds’ role in preschool, civics, and “family engagement.”


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