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  • Victoria #6896

    Consistent, the problem is not pregnancy – the problem is “culture”. Every little boy is told to protect his sister or his female cousin, and protect his mother. That idea of helping/protecting girls is helped by genetics. Here is why:

    If you haven’t noticed, girl look different than men. Men have long sinuous muscles – in other words, stringy muscles which allow for strength. Women do not have these sinuous muscles, they have soft muscle groups and there is a reason for that. Soft muscle groups will give when a baby is born, while sinuous muscle groups won’t expand like that. So, no matter how much a woman exercises, she cannot exchange her soft muscles for stringy muscles so she will never be as strong as a man who has the same amount of physical training. Boys know their sisters and girls in school with them are not as strong as they are, plus there is the cultural idea girls should be protected.

    There is another difference between girls and boys. All girls are knock kneed – yes, they are and when they run they are running knock kneed. It is that baby thing again. Women have hips that are prominent – they extend outward and from there the leg being connected to the hip bone, it is slanted toward the knee. Those hips are important to be able to move to let a baby remove itself from the body. The female has an hour glass figure and men really like that – it is the lower part of the hour glass (the hips) that makes the woman knock kneed.

    This doesn’t mean a woman can’t run fast but it does mean some effort is wasted due to the knock knee feature. In a man and a woman equally trained, the man is going to outrun the woman, he doesn’t have the knock knee problem, he has a straight leg line.

    I know about running because I was a runner. I hold awards for the 50 yard dash and hurdles. In my mid-life, an MRI was done on my right knee. The tech put my leg in a holder, removed my leg and said, “You were a runner, weren’t you?” I said I was and how did she know. She had to reset the leg holder because my leg from my ankle to the knee was longer than a normal person. Now, I am 5′ 5″, not some 6 feet tall amazon.

    What does this all mean when we put women on the battlefield? WE PUT THE MEN’S LIVES IN DANGER. All their lives since they were children, they looked out for the girls. On the battlefield, it will be the same. The men will protect the woman BEFORE they would attack the enemy and they all get killed or some of them get killed because they are protecting instead of attacking. Do not tell me men will let the woman fend for herself – it is not in their nature and you can’t take it out of them – they know that woman is weaker (I have proved that) than they are – it will be automatic protection for the female.

    OK, I feel weak now, so I’m going to take my night pills and go back to bed with my cold.

    Victoria #6892

    “Assume hater Hugh Hewitt will not be attending the @GOP Convention. If he is – the RNC should BAN him from attending.”

    This is what we were talking about on the other thread – would Trump personally go after any delegate who did not vote for him?

    Well, they want to go after Hugh Hewitt right now before the convention and get him banned.

    If Trump is president, one of these days those people who voted for him will get on his wrong side some way and they will be pounded down. In Trump’s mind, in my opinion, there are no perfect people except Trump and his family. If you are not his family, you are imperfect and expendable.

    Victoria #6891

    EVERYDAY and Slhancock1948,

    At the national convention, the state’s delegates sit together in their separate congressional/or senate districts. One or more people is in charge of those delegates in that congressional/senatorial district. He/she has a list of those delegates and they are responsible for gathering the “individual” vote of the delegates – it is recorded by them. That sum of votes is given to the person representing the state and that person announces the votes of the state for each candidate. Trump’s people would know when those votes are called out, which state had people who did not vote for him and if he wanted to, he could find out who they were.

    The reason I brought this up is because a normal person would not do that, but what have I said about Trump? He is not normal, he is fixated on anyone who might oppose him in any way and will keep hounding that person for years.

    Case in point:
    A woman reporter from England came here to do a story on Trump and Trump made a pass at her and she kept resisting and did not give in through those days she had to be where he was. So, she goes back to London and he hounds her for years, sends messages saying things like it’s too bad your career is not going well, or, I see you aren’t getting much work these days. After years of this hounding, she threatened to go to a lawyer and he stopped hounding her.

    If I was a delegate and could choose not to vote for him, I wouldn’t vote for him, but I would expect him to come after me because in my opinion he is crazy.

    Victoria #6867

    EVERYDAY, First of all, I have a terrible cold or flu (Bob thinks it is the flu). I have coughed until every muscle used in coughing hurts like hell when I cough. My head is like a basketball and feels better on a pillow than holding it up. Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to know I am out of bed, sitting up here just to write this message to you.

    You said: “Nothing meant to disparage the delegates, but I’m going to bet they will be all but terrorized into voting for Trump.”

    Think about what you said. Here you are a delegate and you are one who may vote for Trump or against Trump. Your name is on the list of delegates and you choice will be recorded. “Recorded” is the operative word. Trump is going have that list. Has he ever let up on someone he thinks “wronged” him? I think if you did not vote for him, even if he got enough delegates, he would make your life unbearable – somehow he would do it.

    This judge thing showed people what Trump is and I think he will continue to destroy himself to the point even low info. voters will get it that he will be a disaster.

    Victoria #6815

    Below is a portion of this article from the New York Times:
    “Democrats Jump On Allies of Donald Trump in Judge Dispute”

    From Victoria/Marcella: This article is NOT about Democrats – it is about the mentally disturbed Trump who is crazy and only considers himself and family as being Americans. I have written that on a thread here before.
    This is a long article (only a short piece of it here) and you should go to the link and read it all. There are bits and pieces of the article out there and I traced those until I got to the actual source of the fragments.

    Trump’s verbal criticism about the judge being “Mexican” continues unabated – NO ONE CAN STOP HIM. Read below and meet me at the bottom of the quote:

    “Democrats received unexpected ammunition from Mr. Trump himself, who, in an extraordinary conference call with allies on Monday, urged them to defend his criticisms of a federal judge’s Mexican heritage — and then rebuked his campaign staff for having suggested otherwise.”

    “On the conference call, reported first by the Bloomberg News website and later confirmed by two participants, Mr. Trump argued that talking points sent by his campaign to his allies, directing them not to discuss the Trump University case, were ill advised.”

    ““Take that order and throw it the hell out,” Mr. Trump said.”

    “He then went further in excoriating his campaign staff: “Are there any other stupid letters that were sent to you folks?” Mr. Trump said, according to the Bloomberg News report. “That’s one of the reasons I want to have this call, because you guys are getting sometimes stupid information from people that aren’t so smart.””

    “Mr. Trump’s doggedness, and his chastisement of his own aides, contributed to a sense of powerlessness among Republicans who said they increasingly saw no way to influence Mr. Trump’s behavior or to convince him that his actions could hurt the party in competitive House, Senate and governor’s races.”

    “Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, has held discussions with Mr. Trump about his attacks on Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel of Federal District Court, who is overseeing a suit against the now-shuttered Trump University, according to a Republican briefed on the talks.”

    “This is the most un-American thing from a politician since Joe McCarthy,” Mr. Lindsey Graham said. “If anybody was looking for an off-ramp, this is probably it,” he added. “There’ll come a time when the love of country will trump hatred of Hillary.”
    The above is why Trump should not be president – he cannot think of consequences of his actions and he is going to do what he wants at any time – to hell with everyone else. As you see, he cannot be counseled by others – he lashes out at anyone who tries to curtail his behavior.

    This article, if you think about it, explains very well that Trump is a megalomaniac (a person who is obsessed with their own power) and will destroy this country’s relationship with every other country on earth and destroy this country.

    He doesn’t have the INTELLIGENCE to know he should not be slamming a judge because he is “Mexican”. Trump’s case is about a fake school, not a wall. Trump doesn’t care – he will do whatever he wants – and that is the reason he should not be president – HE WILL DO WHATEVER “HE” WANTS.

    Victoria #6791

    I will not vote for president, will skip it on the ballot. I think Trump has a mental disorder and I won’t vote for a crazy person. Period.

    Victoria #6790

    Today I heard on CNN what Trump did today. His “handlers” of the campaign – two of them – send emails to his spokesmen to drop talking about the judge. Trump found that out and got on a call to all his spokesmen and told them something like, “drop that email in hell” and double down, keep talking about the judge. Two of the people who were on this call from Trump were on CNN.

    As I have said before, Trump is crazy and one cannot expect normal behavior from a crazy person because the person is crazy. If I were a Spanish American citizen, I would not vote for him as he thinks the only real Americans are himself and his family. The rest of us are, in my case, English, my Bob is Polish, and you reading this are whichever country your ancestors came from – it doesn’t matter to him our grandparents were born here, our parents were born here and we were born here.

    If I were his judge and he said I was English, not American, and he had a grudge against an English person back in his family history, he would want me replaced because I am English. Trump is crazy.

    Victoria #6764

    Trump, Monday: “I was surprised at Newt, I thought it was inappropriate what he said.”
    Gingrich: “I don’t know what Trump’s reasoning was, and I don’t care,”
    “His description of the judge in terms of his parentage is completely unacceptable,” added Gingrich.
    Gingrich on Sunday: calling it “inexcusable” and “one of the worst mistakes” the billionaire has made.

    Trump says Gingrich’s comments are “inappropriate”, while Trump’s over and over castigating the judge because he is a “Mexican” (except he was born in Indiana), is perfectly okay.

    In my opinion, Trump is crazy and I mean actually crazy as he cannot control himself and must verbally personally castigate every person who has a thought different than his.

    THERE IS NO PERSON IN THIS WORLD WHO CAN STAY ON TRUMP’S “GOOD LIST” FOR VERY LONG. That is because eventually the person on the good list will have a difference of opinion with Trump and he will dump him/her and try to hurt him/her personally by using speech any way he can.

    Victoria #6747

    In order to be chosen for the national convention, one must have a work history with the party, either paid or volunteer over a period of time. These are select people, not your average joe off the street. Since they have history with the party for years they know what money they must have to get to the convention. They have already been to the state convention, likely for years, and are well aware of money needed for the national convention.

    In my 10 years working with the local and state party, I have never heard of anyone trying to get money on the internet to go to the national convention. I would not give any money on the internet to anyone using the national convention as a way to get it.

    Victoria #6700

    I don’t know what is true about this. I live in Texas and Fort Hood is about 120 miles south west of here. I heard on our local channel 11 this morning that 5 soldiers had died when the truck turned over, 4 were lost in the water and 3 were taken alive out of the water and were in hospital.

    So much of Texas has been destroyed by water. Houses and businesses submerged over their tops from central Texas, west of Austin, to the border with Louisiana. The upscale town of Kingwood, off Hwy. 59, is totally submerged under water and all businesses along Hwy. 59 are all under water.

    I had to go to my townhouse in Conroe, Texas, last Sunday and get water out of my townhouse which had come in somewhere around my chimney. It can’t be fixed until the rain stops and there was more heavy rain yesterday and supposed to be today and Saturday. I will probably have to go back and get out more water.

    It is tragedy after tragedy in Texas right now.

    Victoria #6628

    If Trump wins, he become King Trump and I can see him wanting to keep the Kingship in the family so his oldest son runs for president King.

    Trump has a mental disorder and is a freak person who cannot be trusted from one day to the next. If Bill Kristol’s independent candidate is David French, I will vote for him to keep mad man Trump out of the White House.

    If that causes neither Trump nor Hillary to get enough electoral votes and it goes to the House of Representatives, maybe THEY will elect a decent Republican but ANY Republican would be better than crazy Trump.

    Victoria #6615

    Once again, there are two kinds of citizens – natural born citizen and naturalized citizen. Note the word, “natural” is in both types of citizenship for a reason. Natural is an American citizen at birth and the other is “naturalized” meaning something legal has to happen before that person is a citizen.

    A child who has an American mother OR father, is an American natural born citizen . Nothing has to legally happen to make that child an American citizen. It does not matter where the child is born if one parent is an American citizen.

    I use my grandson to illustrate this. He was born in England to an American father (my son) and an English mother. The day he was born, he was an American citizen and an English citizen. Every baby born in a hospital has to be registered and papers are filled out at that hospital. Since the hospital was English, the child was registered there as an English citizen. My son went to the American Embassy that day and the child was registered as an American citizen and an American Passport was issued to him that day. He has full citizenship in both countries.

    When he comes to the states, he goes through the American citizen line to enter the country. His mother has to get in the foreign citizen line to enter the country.

    The child is now registered at an American university, Occidental University in California, were he got a scholastic scholarship and will begin school there in the fall.

    When he is old enough to run for president, he could drop his English citizenship and run for president, just as Cruz did when he dropped his Canadian citizenship and ran for president. Cruz’s case is exactly as my grandson’s case.

    Victoria #6570

    I’ll vote Libertarian. As to the two cancers, Hillary is not mental disturbed but Trump is. He has to keep trying to prove he is the smartest and greatest and I can see him punching the red button to send a nuclear bomb somewhere to prove he is the smartest/greatest. Hillary is not about to punch the red button, so she is less dangerous than Trump.

    Victoria #6569

    You can never trust Trump because, in my opinion, he has a mental disorder. Never think you can trust a mentally disordered person to be normal. They can’t be normal because they have a mental disorder.

    Victoria #6568

    CA Surveyor, you said, “If it is Jims house, why does he want others to make the payments?”

    That is a good statement. I was helping him monthly making payments on his house. My house is paid for, no mortgage. Jim will never get his house paid for as he has dumped those paying for it. Unless Trump pays for it, it’s sunk.

    Victoria #6561

    I am going to vote for the Libertarian candidate. That person will be determined tomorrow, Sunday, at the Libertarian convention.

    Victoria #6560

    I heard him call the judge “Mexican” and he said it with disdain. The judge was born in Indiana. And we are having Trump as President? He is barely civilized.

    Victoria #6549

    My SO (significant other) is an earth scientist/geologist and has gone all over the world finding oil and that includes Venezuela. He was amazed Venezuela is in such a dire situation. He said the country has so many resources and land to grow food and fruits, it’s hard to believe they have no food.

    I told him the government had taken the farms from the people who had them and now no food is being grown. The country was thriving those years back when he was there locating their oil. It did affect him now to think that country is in such a terrible state.

    People have to be dying now from lack of water and food and lack of sanitation and other disease- if they don’t die from lack of water and food, they will die due to disease from polluted water and communicable diseases with no medicine to cure them. I did read that hospitals are out of medicine.

    That country is for sure dying. Millions are going to die. What is the answer to fix this? I think it is so far gone, it can’t be saved. After millions die, and the government is gone, the remnant left will have to start planting IF they can get food seeds. Perhaps another country, like ours, can take seeds there. This is like going back to the cave men days when they started growing food.

    Victoria #6448

    Someone posted a message yesterday of a conclusion with which I agree. If Hillary takes Bernie Sanders as her Vice-Pres., she gets all his votes and Trump cannot win.

    This makes sense because if Sanders isn’t on the ticket, those voters will stay home and I do mean stay home, not go to the polls and leave the presidential spot blank and vote down ticket. I say that because so many of his voters are younger, 40s on down, and they don’t care who is in congress, they just want Bernie and his free give away stuff. They will stay home. Now, if Clinton takes Bernie, all those voters will go vote for Clinton/Bernie, figuring they will get their free stuff if he is on the ticket.

    Trump already has bad poll numbers with women and Spanish and Black voters and the NeverTrump people, so he loses.

    Voting: Vote your conscience, stay true to your values and forget what others say about your vote. I am voting for Libertarian Gary Johnson. Their convention is this weekend.

    Victoria #6427

    The trumpkins have ruined FR. It used to be a safe space for Christian Conservatives.
    Well since I stopped visiting it I’ve found more time to do other things. Amazing how that site became a time waster.

    Now, I post here and on The Briefing Room. When I left FR, I had more time, so started learning how to draw, we already had a class on Monday night studying the early great philosophers/poets, and St. Thomas Aquinas. I have probably 15 new books covering the drawing, the philosophers, plus the whole set of 8 books, St. Thomas “Summa Theologies” ($300) and am studying all of that and started writing poetry. I don’t have enough hours in a day to do all that.

    As far as Trump is concerned, I still think he is mentally disturbed and have decided to vote for the Libertarian presidential candidate and their national convention is this coming weekend. I will vote down ticket for the conservative Republican candidates as I always do.

    I haven’t been banned on FR but there is nothing there for me anymore. I have read on there recently and all that is left there for the most part are less than smart people.

    Some of you know 2ndDivisionVet there – he has been in the hospital with a wound on his heel that will not heal. That is why he stopped putting threads on FR. I live no more than 10-15 minutes from his house and he now knows he can call us if he needs anything. We took groceries and other items to JRandomFreeper when he was sick with cancer and Vet knows we will do that for him if he needs something. I did notice he posted an article on there yesterday or the day before. He is non-Trump but knows he cannot post an article that is critical of Trump.

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